
Teaching students real life skills through experience and exploration! 

#makingsciencereal #makinglearninglast

STEAM Genius is a teaching method employing real life experiences and the engineering design process to create fearless life-long learners, critical thinkers and problem solvers.

Also available for tutoring, by appointment only

Licensed, 13+ years experience

All Subjects, K-8

Curriculum Development


Shana provided the most impactful science program that I have ever witnessed. Her hands-on approach blended with the relationship she builds with her students is powerful. I can recommend Shana with 100% confidence.  -K. Hiday, Vice-Principal at Horizon Christian School

Shana Hildreth is one of the most creative, hands-on educators I have ever taught with. She is excellent to the core! She intuitively knows how to motivate young people by setting before them a challenge, and then gives them a path to achieve it. Her hard work in pulling together the STEAM Genius faire at our school each year was so deeply appreciated by our entire school, and to see the final projects the students created was awe-inspiring! So many students today love science and dream giant-sized dreams because of Shana!  -K.Cutler, MS English/Bible Teacher at Horizon Christian School

All photos are original and the property of Shana Hildreth